I offer training packages to professionals, carers or parents that mostly aim to support adults to understand children’s behaviour, emotional development and needs, especially within in the context of trauma. My training workshops are experiential, interactive and practical and empower and enable adults to respond in ways that address children’s underlying needs . I do believe that learning is an ongoing process and that course attendance may not translate into practice straight away. People have different learning styles and when we are dealing with difficulties under pressure, we may struggle to implement new learning. I therefore also offer (and recommend) ongoing support and opportunities for reflection and development as optional add-on’s
Care with Connection – a course for caregivers and for professionals who support placements. The course covers Empathic Behaviour Management strategies and draws on theories from Attachment, Trauma, Neuropsychology and Systemic Practice. Offered weekly over 6 weeks, this course increases understanding of how Developmental Trauma impact on children’s development, how the brain and body responds to trauma and what this means for children’s ability to soothe themselves and manage relationships and learning. It gives adults tools to assist with emotional regulation and relational-connective responses to challenging behaviours. Ongoing reflective group supervision is recommended to develop and embed new learning. To find out more, follow this link.
Secure Base – 1-day workshop for caregivers and/or professionals on using the 5 dimensions of the Secure Base model as a therapeutic caregiving approach (ongoing consultation and support to embed the model is recommended). Read more about the course here.
Systemic Practice for Professionals – formal learning sets/ workshops and/or a combination of reflective, systemic supervision to teach, model and support practitioners to utilise the values and techniques from systemic theory and research to inform and develop their practice.
Managing Challenging Behaviour – 1-day reflective group-learning sets on specific behavioural challenges associated with developmental trauma. Topics include dealing with-:
- Loss and grieving
- Lying, stealing
- Aggression, defiance, violence
- Hygiene issues
- Hoarding
- Issues with food
- Self-harm and suicidal thoughts
- And other common behaviours caregivers find challenging.
Improving Practice workshops – half-day workshops for professionals working with children and families. Topics that can be covered include:
- Using Genograms therapeutically
- Using ‘The Tree of Life’ exercise as a therapeutic tool
- Working with Loss and Grief
- Vicarious Trauma
- Supporting children or families through Transitions
- Therapeutic Lifestory work
Please contact me to discuss any of these training packages, fees or other training needs you may have.