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A Therapeutic Service where Relationships are Nurtured



Therapeutic Assessments and Interventions for individuals, families, couples and groups

(learn more here)


Consultation and/or reflective supervision to   those involved in caring, or creating care plans for children and families

(learn more here)


Tailored training packages for parents, caregivers and professionals

(learn more here)

Who I work with:

Families, parents or carers who are worried about their child’s mental health, behaviour or relationships.

Anyone struggling with their own well-being and/or sense of connection within their own lives – in their interpersonal relationships, where there may be conflict or emotional distance.

Professionals who are supporting or working with families or children with difficulties in their lives. I offer consultations, supervision or training to professionals (eg. Social Workers or multi-disciplinary teams, Fostering and Adoption agencies).

Click here for Testimonials:

How I can help:

Get in touch to discuss how I can help you to think about the relationships in your life, or create reflective space to think about the work you do with families:

Phone: 07494908255
