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A Therapeutic Service where Relationships are Nurtured

Challenges in Adoption and Foster Care

“Being a parent is the most important job in the world. Parenting a child who doesn’t know how to be parented is the most difficult job in the world” – Dr Amber Elliott

After working with children in Care and with Fostering, Kinship and Adoptive families for over 17 years I have seen many of the highs and lows these children and families can go through. For most children in Care, a true interest and connection that feels authentic, unconditional and accepting is the best gift they can be given. When children behave at their worse they need hugs the most.

Carers have benefited from my interventions, either by attending one of my courses or workshops and/or follow-up consultations. If carers have not been able to attend my training, my one-to-one consultations draw from the ideas and strategies covered in the training. I can offer the following interventions specifically to Kinship, Foster Carers or Adopters:

Secure Base as an intervention

Elements of Non-violent Resistance as an intervention

Theraplay (including a Marschak Interaction Method as assessment tool)

Assessment and Behaviour Management strategies and plans

Systemic Family Therapy

Therapeutic Lifestory work

Emotional regulation techniques

Trauma Work

For Independent Agencies I can offer the following:

Clinical Assessments

Clinical Consultations and Therapeutic Interventions


Reflective, Systemic Group Supervision

Panel Membership